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Showing posts from January, 2015

Michelin Challenge Design for 2016

Design  Brief & Deliverables: Michelin Challenge Design for 2016 Entry Portal Michelin North America, Inc. (“Michelin”) is proud to announce the annual Michelin Challenge Design to celebrate, promote, publicize and give visibility to original creative thinking and innovation in vehicle design.  By embracing and supporting design, Michelin aims to establish a closer relationship with the design community, combining technical innovation with transportation design to create vehicles that consumers want to buy and will enjoy driving.  Michelin challenges the international design community, individuals, small and large companies and universities, to enthusiastically create innovative and aesthetically pleasing design solutions that will meet the theme requirements of the Michelin Challenge Design 2016. Mobility for All Designing for the Next Frontier Mobility is essential for personal transport, commerce, growth and access to clean water, health care and services for people aro

National Champion Scholarship Program S1 & S2 TA 2015/2016

Tanoto Foundation, yayasan yang memiliki kepedulian pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia Indonesia melalui bidang pendidikan, mengundang Mahasiswa S1 dan S2 yang berprestasi untuk bergabung dalam program beasiswa S1 dan S2. Program beasiswa diselenggarakan berlandaskan prinsip – prinsip kecakapan masing – masing pelamar tanpa memandang suku, agama, ras, jender serta menjunjung tinggi kebijakan non-diskriminatif. Pendaftaran beasiswa akan ditutup pada tanggal 18 Januari 2015. Saat ini Tanoto Foundation menyediakan beasiswa dari berbagai disiplin ilmu kepada 200 mahasiswa S1 berasal dari sembilan Perguruan Tinggi dan 30 mahasiswa S2, yang berasal dari enam Perguruan Tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation yaitu: Perguruan Tinggi Mitra untuk S1 Universitas Indonesia Institut Teknologi Bandung Institut Pertanian Bogor Universitas Gadjah Mada Universitas Jambi Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Riau Universitas Mulawarman Universitas Hasanuddin Perguruan Tinggi Mitra untuk S2