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Showing posts from April, 2010


ADPI Pada tahun 1983, atas insiatif Bagas P (IPTN), Agus Sachari (ITB), Hanny Nayoan (USAKTI), Taufan Soekarno (ITB) dan Oesriman Oesman (BPPT) perlu membentuk sebuah wadah untuk para profesional desainer produk yang jumlah tahun demi tahun bertambah, disamping juga perlunya perlindungan bagi para desainer yang bekerja secara profesional, baik sebagai konsultan maupun mereka yang bekerja di industri. Maka pada bulan Oktober 1983, dibentuklah PADII (Persatuan Akhli Desain Industri Indonesia). Melalui rapat yang intensif, berhasil pula dibentuk AD-ART PADII dan Dewan Penasehat yang terdiri dari But Mukhtar, Imam Buchori dan Wiranto Arismunadar. Anggota PADII dapat diklasifikasikan atas dua kategori, yaitu sebagai anggota muda (mahas


BRA PRO LIMITED BRA PRO LIMITED , a world-class Intimates Apparel manufacture, to cope with the Company's continuous business growth and development, we invite professional and enthusiastic individual to join us in the following positions: Pattern Maker (PM) Requirements: Male / Female Age minimum 22 years old Responsible for making pattern Degree / Diploma from fashion design Possess minimum 1 (two) years experience in same position Mastering principles of product pattern with manual & CAD system is a plus Able to operate design sofware such as Adobe Computer literate Please send your complete resume with recent photograph by email, within 14 days after this advertisement to : Or PO BOX 1350 JKB 11013

kompetisi Sharp Idea Award (SIA), sebuah ajang kompetisi yang ditujukan bagi kalangan mahasiswa dalam bidang lingkungan dan pengembangan desain produk elektronik

Jakarta, 30 Maret 2010 – PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia (SEID) mengadakan kompetisi Sharp Idea Award (SIA), sebuah ajang kompetisi yang ditujukan bagi kalangan mahasiswa dalam bidang lingkungan dan pengembangan desain produk elektronik. Kompetisi ide inovatif yang kali pertama diadakan ini, diharapkan mampu menghadirkan insan-insan muda Indonesia yang kreatif dan sangat peduli dengan lingkungan. ”Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan wadah bagi mahasiswa perguruan tinggi di seluruh Indonesia untuk menuangkan ide-ide kreatif mereka dalam mendesain produk elektronik inovatif dan membuat ide kegiatan bertema lingkungan yang unik”, tutur Presiden Direktur PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia, Fumihiro Irie. Ajang SIA ini diselenggarakan dalam 2 kategori, yaitu: -    Environmental Activity Idea: Usulan ide berkaitan dengan pelestarian alam dan pemanfaatan lestari sumber daya hayati Indonesia.  -    Product Idea: Usulan ide berkaitan dengan pengembangan produk elektronik inov

ARKKI Boat Combines An Habitable Floating Home With Maximum Luxury

In the year 2020, most parts of the world have drowned under water due to excessive increase of sea level which was a result of massive ice melting because of severe ecological imbalance. The basic idea of the ARKKI boat is to face such a situation by creating an ecological combination of a house and a boat with all possible luxuries. The first thing that you may notice seeing the floating house is its huge open space with a surface like that of indoor basketball courts. However, the entire surface of the boat is equipped with multilayer solar panels that can produce the required energy from the sun to electrify the whole boat. The concrete hull is reinforced with plastic fibers, making it stable and rigid enough to be used even in winter season. Other parts of the concept are made of natural fiber composite. The aim of the concept is to provide people such a floating habitable home through which they can have the opportunity of moving around even in the harsh ecological condition with

Winners announced for Car Design Awards China 2010 by Joanna Scott 21 Apr 2010

The winners of the inaugural Car Design Awards China 2010 were announced at an awards ceremony on 21 April in Beijing, just prior to Auto China. Automotive design directors and the design press gathered at automotive design studio CH-Auto to celebrate the achievements of the next generation of car designers. Presenters Edward Wong (China Central Academy of Fine Arts) and Kumo Chiu (Idea Dao Design) took to the stage and introduced the winning student designers in five awards categories. The Citroën ‘Cocoon_Butterfly' scored the highest points in the entire competition Judges also said the concept showed "good proportion" and that it was a "high quality design with good presentation" Students from Shandong University of Art and Design impressed the judges  with their appealing Buick 'Swing Beginner' proposal Judges thought the concept showed "efficient use of interior space, and a good solution for the seat of the vehicle in swing".

3kesalahan yang harus dihindari pada saat merender bagi pemula

1. Perspective ; the ability to understand and draw in perspective is vital in car design. Many amateurs start off drawing three-dimensional objects without perspective. This can sometimes work for product design but is not acceptable on cars. Cars are large objects which are viewed close-up, which means perspective is very important. In fact it is better to exaggerate perspective than have none at all. To get a feel for it, experiment with wide-angle viewpoints and distorted perspective. Then move back to something more normal and easy to digest. Be aware that of your two vanishing points, at least one will usually be a long way from the car. If you are finding perspective lines difficult to imagine, try covering your desk with paper and use a point that is way off the page that you can draw lines to. Eventually you will be able to guess where your lines should go. Trace real cars as a reference. There is no substitute for practicing and studying how real cars behave with


tips membuat presentasi

Design student's presentations Posted by Luciano Bove In september I partecipated to a school sponsored project presentation, Transportation Design Dept. I was directly interested in it because I have managed that project for the last six months and it was the final day. That morning I was excited to arrive in school because I espected a well organized presentation from the last six selected finalists. When it is the final day there is always something magic in the air, a bit of stress, students that are putting the last sketches up on the wall, cleaning the scale models, orientating better the spot lights at so on... When I got there I went in the Chair of Dept. office and we talked a bit about the timing, the order of presentations, the photos to take, we drank our hot coffee and left the office to go in the show room. I had my schedule program. In about two hours the presentation was over, every student had the same time to present his/her work and model, I took few