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Showing posts from September, 2010

Menprin Resmikan Pusat Desain dan Rekayasa Kapal Nasional - Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Fahmi Idris meresmikan Gedung Pusat Desain dan Rekayasa Kapal Nasional (PDRKN) di Taman Teknologi, kampus Institut Teknologi sepuluh Nopember Sukolilo, Surabaya, Selasa. Gedung PDRKN atau National Ship Design and Engineering Center (NaSDEC) yang diresmikan Menperin tersebut menempati lahan sekitar 2.200 meter, sedangkan pembangunan dan pengadaan perangkat keras ( hardware ) serta perangkat lunak ( software ) pendukung menelan biaya sekitar tujuh miliar rupiah. Hadir dalam peresmian itu di antaranya pejabat di lingkungan Departemen Perindustrian, pengusaha galangan kapal dan pelayaran nasional, serta pejabat dari Departemen Perhubungan dan Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan. PDRKN merupakan lembaga baru yang didirikan atas kerja sama antara Departemen Perindustrian dan ITS Surabaya. Pendirian lembaga itu sudah dimulai sejak 2004 hingga 2005. Pendirian PDRKN direalisasikan menyusul terbitnya Inpres Nomor 5 Tahun 2005 tentang

ZigZag Three Wheeled Personal Electric Vehicle

Do you still remember your great great grandpa bicycle? This personal electric vehicle is inspired from those classic high wheel bicycles. ZigZag three wheeled electric vehicle tries to answer the need for environmentally friendly transportation. The frame is made of aluminum alloy 6161 which is commonly used to produce lightweight products. The designers hope that this vehicle can satisfy the need of compact, functional, easy to use, and fun transportation for the future. The users of my product would be initially people 15-40 years old, or people that need to use this product on for work to arrive fast and secure. Thanks to the innovative design, ZigZag can be adapted according the measures of the user, the seat, footrest and handlebar can be regulated in angle and height. The product life cycle can be helped by the idea that can be adapted and added for other products or needs because it can be modified for the user’s needs. Designer : Daniel Castillo B. and Camilo Par

Hybrid Dell Inspiron Duo Tablet : A Netbook and A Tablet Device

Dell Inspiron Duo Tablet made its debut on stage at Intel’s IDF 2010. At first look, you might think that this is just a tablet device, but you’ll be surprised to know it is also a netbook. Flipping the screen from within the frame will display the keyboard and turns this device into a netbook. This hybrid computer runs on dual-core atom n550 processor with a 10″ screen and Windows 7 Premium edition. Do they set a new standard for a netbook design? Update : It seems that this flipping screen design’s been here since 1999 ( ). From : Dell

Mob Sports Car Is Made From Liquid Wood

The Mob is an extreme racing sports car proposal for Toyota by Jorge Martí Vidal, an automotive designer . This concept car is evolving into the Möbius strip. Two films that create the whole structure of the vehicle, external and internal, forming the seats and dashboard. In order to make the driver feel enraptured by the sensation of car racing, the central area of this car is made transparent where the driver can see the ground really close. The wheels imitate the shape of blooming flowers. Mob is made from “Liquid Wood”, organic materials that come from waste wood and can be molded into different shapes. The dimension of this vehicle is : 3643×1787x1063mm, each wheel is equipped with electric motor as its engine; thus making this vehicle an eco friendly racing car. Designer : Jorge Martí Vidal

Tim Desain Produk ITB Sabet Juara I dan II Sekaligus di Indocement Architectural Designwork Competition 2010

      Tim Mahasiswa Desain Produk Industri FSRD ITB menyabet Juara I dan II sekaligus di Indocement Architectural Designwork Competition 2010, Juli - Agustus 2010 di Jakarta. Tim ini terdiri dari 3 orang: Grafian 'Polo' Adisepta, Rinda Setiawan, dan Wahyu Ramdani (foto kiri). Mereka menyerahkan dua karya yang keduanya memenangkan juara satu (foto tengah) dan dua (foto kanan) sekaligus. Karya pertama yang menjadi Juara I adalah desain bangku publik bahan semen yang multi-guna, yakni sebagai bangku publik namun sekaligus sebagai media donasi. Sedangkan karya yang menjadi Juara II adalah desain bangku publik yang sekaligus berfungsi sebagai sarana parkir sepeda untuk di kampus-kampus. Tim ini mengalahkan ratusan tim lainnya dari berbagai universitas maupun profesional di Indonesia. Atas prestasinya mereka berhak atas total hadiah uang sejumlah 45 juta rupiah.

Organic Workstation by Stevie Miles Brewu

The revolutionary concept of the Organic Workstation from the house of Miles of Design 07 – London is a wonderful solution for all computer centric beings. Designed by Stevie Miles Brewu, it’s the closest one can go to create a fully adjustable ergonomic, interactive work and play environment. The features include; adjustable positioning with respect to angle of seating, screen, keyboard and foot rest. The overall feel is highly ergonomic with a clutter free interactive environment. Thus, one’s productivity and comfort levels are greatly enhanced as this state of the art device provides a highly ergonomic and interactive environment. So go ahead and enjoy your work. Designer : Stevie Miles Brewu

Happily Ever : Create Stronger Bonds Between Pets and Owners

The new design concept by Kim Hyun Joo will surely win a lot more brownie points both from the owners but from dogs as well. The chair termed as Happily Ever is a chair that is combined with a dog house which shall encourage bonding between dogs and owners through their sharing. As they say that sharing increases bonding, so this is a nice concept by the designer to address the problem of increase in abandoned dogs due to various reasons, thus with this design there can be stronger relationships growing between owners and pets. All one can say is this really is a very heart warming thought. From Kim : The pet accessories market is expanding, but the number of abandoned dogs is ever- increasing. A way to counter this problem may be to encourage stronger bonds between pets and owners. Sharing something may be a way to strengthen relationships – sharing understanding as well as objects. Wherever you are, your dog always wants to be with you. For example, when a dog owner

Thrones : Computer Recliner Concept by Anthony Sanchez

The Thrones V1.0 is a concept computing recliner specially designed for the gaming market and society. It is an interactive device that allows a person to explore the digital media without using conventional input devices such as mouse or keyboards; instead, there are two touch surfaces and a footrest that can be adjusted according to your needs for longer computing comfortably. The screen is 18 inches, hence minimizes eye strain and it can also turn to transparent when not in use. When working at the computer you can recline as it is ergonomically designed. If you need a short break you can sink into the luxurious leather seating . The futuristic look to computing is certainly here with the throne.

Music Chocolate Sofa is Integrated With High-Quality Sound System

Music Chocolate is an innovative and upholstered, chocolate colored sofa that features an integrated sound system to be used with external MP3 players. The speakers are placed all the directions of the block, ensuring high-quality surround sound to its listeners. The surface is designed with textured leather and contains an internal wooden structure to make the product durable.

Life Sack Is Not Your Ordinary Grain Sack

The main problem of third world’s crisis is to get food and fresh water supply. World wide charities such as World Vision have sent common supplies such as grain, packed in sacks. Based on this information, three Korean industrial designers have ingenious idea to redesign the sack. Life Sack is a sack that can also work as a water purifier kit. After grain is stored, they can reuse the sacks to purify water. Life Sack uses SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection Process) technology to filter contaminated water. The UV-A-radiation and thermal treatment will kill deadly microorganisms and bacteria in water. It is hoped that this design can help providing more sufficient amount of clean water for the people in Africa. Designer : Jung Uk Park, Myeong Hoon Lee, and Dae Youl Lee