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Assistant Professor in Cell Biology University of Toronto Scarborough

The Department of Biological Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough invites applications for a tenure stream position in Cell Biology. The position is at the rank of Assistant Professor and begins July 1, 2011. The successful applicant will be expected to establish a strong, externally funded research program and to supervise graduate students.

Candidates with demonstrated expertise in the cell biology of innate immunity are especially encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to candidates whose activities will complement and strengthen a Cells and Infection research cluster within the department. The department has biosafety level II laboratory containment facilities and a comprehensive light and electron microscopy imaging facility that has been recently upgraded to operate with live-cell and in vivo imaging capacity and equipped with state-of-the-art multiphoton, confocal endoscope, spinning disk and single-particle tracking microscopes, as well as laser tweezers/scissors micro-manipulation technology. The University of Toronto is an international leader in biological research and education and the Department of Biological Sciences enjoys strong ties to other units within the University. Applicants should have postdoctoral experience and strong evidence of excellence in research.
The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching (such as in immunology) at both the undergraduate and graduate level. They will also be expected to participate actively in the Graduate Department of Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Toronto, and to undertake an active research program centered at the University of Toronto Scarborough. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Further information on the research and teaching activities of the department can be found at
Applications must include a CV, statements of research and teaching interests and three representative publications. Applications must be submitted online at (Job Number 1000519). We encourage applicants to combine PDF or MS WORD documents into one or two files.
Applicants should also arrange that letters of reference from three referees familiar with the candidates research be sent directly to:
Professor Greg Vanlerberghe, Chair
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Toronto Scarborough
1265 Military Trail
Toronto, ON M1C 1A4
or e-mailed to biologygeneral [at]
All materials must be received by Oct 18th, 2010.


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