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Evoluent VerticalMouse 3 Wireless Review

Suffering wrist problems because you spend so much time in front of the computer, maybe a foam pad can help you while you type using the keyboard, but you can’t do a lot while you use the mouse and that’s because normal mice aren’t designed to be used in a natural posture. Evoluent has created the VerticalMouse to help you relieve your wrist pain.
The Evoluent VerticalMouse 3 Wireless is the most advanced generation of the handshake grip mouse. It was evaluated by doctors and ergonomist in UC Berkeley, and they found it so comfortable and ergonomic that it has been approved for their staff use and it’s even sold in the campus store.
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evoluent verticalmouse 5
The secret of this vertical mouse is its shape, supporting your hand in a neutral handshake position, without twisting your arm and causing tension and pain.
Besides the ergonomic shape, it includes 5 buttons clevery positioned so you can press all of them directly fast and easily without repositioning you fingers.
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evoluent verticalmouse 3
It works with 2 AA batteries and has a very accurate true optical 1200 dpi sensor. It syncs automatically and it has an on/off switch to turn it off while you don’t use it so you save batteries and prevent waking up your computer while in standby.
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The dimensions (L 4.45″-113mm, W 3.15″-80mm, H 3.03″-7mm) and weight (6.7oz-189g) are perfectly balanced for usage, because you don’t need to lift it to reposition it, just tilt it slightly. However it can be a bit cumbersome for small children or for traveling.
evoluent verticalmouse 4
You can find the Evoluent VerticalMouse 3 Wireless for $140 in Zenlap, a french shop specialized in laptop ergonomics. There is also a left hand version in sale there.
The Pros
  • A very comfortable and natural position.
  • The included software allow to configure every aspect of it and fully programming its 5 buttons.
  • The on/off switch saves batteries (every wireless mouse should have it)
  • A small lip prevents the “rubbing pinkie” effect.
The Cons
  • At first its usage is a bit awkward, but you’ll get used.
  • The USB receiver could be a bit smaller.
  • It lacks a way of recharging it using a USB port.
  • Too big to use it for traveling.
The Verdict
If you have to spend long periods of time using the computer and you are worried with the safety of your wrists, I assure you this is the best Mouse around. If you are looking for an ergomouse this is the one. You’ll feel the relieve after 3-4 days using it, although it depends on each person. You could also use a Trackball to relieve the stress on your wrists but they require a lot of finger movements and they don’t allow fast and long pointer movements although they are more accurate for small ones.


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