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MINI Countryman

MINI has added the fourth model to its line-up, opening a new dimension of the 'MINI feeling'. As a crossover, the MINI Countryman bridges the gap between the classic concept of the MINI and a Sports Activity Vehicle, while maintaining the brand's core values.

As the first model in the MINI range with four doors and a wide-opening rear lid, the MINI Countryman provides even greater freedom of space, a slightly elevated seating position, and driving comfort.

Full integration of the passengers within the vehicle creates that driving experience so typical of MINI. And at the same time the MINI Countryman maintains that go-kart feeling likewise so characteristic of MINI, with the optional ALL4 all-wheel drive offering an additional highlight.

"The MINI Countryman carries on the design of the brand in style and quality, combining larger body dimensions, greater ground clearance and four doors at the side with those unmistakable design features so characteristic of MINI. "
Short overhangs, a high window line, powerful stance on the wheels, and window graphics extending round the entire car create those proportions so typical of MINI.
At the same time the MINI Countryman re-interprets the characteristic icons of a MINI such as the roofline, the hexagon radiator grille, the large headlights integrated in the engine lid, the surrounds on the side direction indicators, the voluminous wheel arches and the upright rear light clusters in new style and class.

The MINI Countryman is entering the market with a choice of three gasoline and two diesel engines, all coming in the new generation of power units developed with the full know-how of the BMW Group and complying with the EU5 and, respectively, ULEV II emission standards.

The power range extends from 66 kW/90 hp in the MINI One D Countryman all the way to 135 kW/184 hp in the MINI Cooper S Countryman.
The 1.6-liter four-cylinder petrol engine in the top model comes for the first time not only with a twin-scroll turbocharger and direct fuel injection, but also with fully variable valve management offering by far the balance of engine power and fuel consumption.

(Source: MINI)


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